African Mango

Thursday, 26 May 2011

The benefits of the Acai Berry Juice

For centuries, the Acai berry was a staple of the native tribes in the jungles of the Amazon of Brazil. It was not until the 1980s, however, that the suppliers of local fruit finally acknowledged the benefits of the Acai. At the time, the berry would become a popular ingredient in ice cream, milk shakes and cocktails throughout South America. Even became a favorite of the family that the majority of Brazilians consume with dinner or a snack at night.
Years later, some enterprising companies brought Acai United States. With a little help from Oprah Winfrey, who called the Berry Super fruit in his show, Acai became a sensation overnight. Supermarkets and shops of food across the country reported that were flooded with requests for public baya-el called miracle literally could not get enough of them.
Dietary supplement
In America, the Acai berry quickly established itself as a popular dietary supplement. It was said that the fruit of wonder could soon help to increase metabolism and burn calories. Today consumers can find the acai in all tablets of juices liquefied powers.
Fact vs. fiction
From the Berry came to the States, the companies who sell Acai products have made a number of bold claims. They insist that the wonder Berry can increase energy levels, improve digestion, heart aid, improve sexual performance and can even help you to get a good night sleep in. Some even say that it can cure Berry reverse diabetes, cancer and other chronic diseases.
While it is true that (the most popular product of the Acai) Acai berry juice have a considerable amount of antioxidants, never been proved that antioxidants can only make a healthy person. There is also little evidence to suggest that the Acai Berry facilitate weight loss.
In the end, whatever the experts might find out about some of these extravagant claims, it is clear that the Acai berry is one of the most nutritious fruits in the face of the Earth. They are extremely high in protein, vitamin C, vitamin A, iron and fiber.
However, it should be noted that the freeze-dried forms and Acai powder contain much lower levels of antioxidants than fresh Acai berry juice.
Acai Berry Juice
One of the main criticisms of experts when it comes to the fashion of Acai is that consumers really are not getting all the benefits of the Berry little surprising. Although doctors may argue about some of the most surprising claims of the Acai, none of them dispute the fact that it is one of the healthiest, most nutritious fruits can be found. The problem, however, is that the majority of Acai products sold at the grocery store or at your local department store health foods come in either the dry or with the form. And nutritionists most are agreed that to get all the benefits of the berry do eat the pulp and juice. But reach their hands on real Acai Berry Juice is not always easy and is certainly not cheap.
What all the fuss?
Perhaps is because the Berry little assuages two typically American fears: the fear of ageing and the fear of gaining weight. In fact, when the Acai berry made his debut on television on the Oprah Winfrey Show, he was promoted as a food that could help you achieve the beauty defies age. Soon after, the fruit became more popular as a dietary supplement that could help consumers to drop the fat quickly.
No miracle, only healthy.
In every corner and cranny of the planet, the marketers Americans are busy looking for the next big thing. If we are talking about a star of the youth music, an Idol or a delicious Berry of the tropical forests of Brazil, really it doesn't matter much. In the end, all that matters is that you can label, package and sell it. And when the Acai Berry Juice is, there is clearly more fiction than fact. But that doesn't mean that it is all fiction.
As mentioned, Acai Berry Juice contain a number of important vitamins and minerals and have a large amount of antioxidants. It is a great addition to any healthy diet, but it is not a panacea for everything that ails you.

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