African Mango

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Acai from Amazon.

Check out Amazon for great deals on Acai Berries

Thursday, 6 October 2011

What are the benefits of supplements to effective Acai Berry and weight loss?

Acai Berry, now referred to as the Super fruit, is a dark purple fruit of the Acai Palm. For thousands of years, the natives of the Amazon rainforest in South America, where it thrives this tree, used to treat common medical problems. In recent years, research on the content of the Acai fruit has led to the discovery of its high content of omega fatty acids and antioxidants. For this reason, Acai berry has been used to treat and prevent various diseases afflicting humanity today.

What nutrients are part of the acai berry?

Studies on the chemical content of Acai berries have shown that these small fruits of bilberry as they are rich in vitamins b complex, C and E, as well as essential minerals including potassium, calcium and iron, omega 6 and 9 fatty acids and proteins. The combination of these nutrients plays an important role in stimulating the immune system, preventing cardiovascular and digestive disorders, combat cancer and improve cognitive abilities.

How is the acai berry has been used in the past?

Acai berries were not only a secret among the indigenous peoples of the Amazon used to treat gastric disorders and skin. Acai berries are considered a staple in the diet of the Brazilians, it is usually eaten with breakfast. The regional popularity of Acai berries can be traced miles away from the jungles of the Amazon to Rio de Janeiro where it is commonly recommended that they eat to increase strength and vitality. Until this day, pulp of Acai berry blended with Guarana eaten before activities heavy workouts and football matches.

Although early tribes in the Amazon have already been using the fruit Acai as a traditional remedy in common diseases, was the explorers who also helped introduce the healing power and healthy benefits of this fruit to neighboring areas until finally you gained global attention. This has led to the conduct of research focused on identifying certain properties and characteristics in attempts to explain and explore other uses.

How acai berry research has proved to be beneficial?

A recent study published in the journal of agriculture and food chemistry found that extract of Acai berries in different combination and concentration helped to promote the destruction of up to 86% of leukemia cells. These results are promising and have triggered a wave of research on the effects of Acai Berry relevant for other types of cancer, cardiovascular disease, digestive disorders and even Alzheimer's disease.

Recent research of Acai berry has also been suggested that this fruit wonder can help in the prevention of heart disease by reducing blood cholesterol levels and improve circulation. Apart from this, other results of the investigation have indicated a positive improvement in cognitive ability and memory. A study on the effect of Acai berry in bipolar disorder is currently under way and it can suggest ways to alleviate symptoms or address fully the disease once results have already been established.

How can I get Acai effective for me?

The most common way of taking Acai, is in solid form - supplement pills. Just be careful to choose 100% pure Acai based extract supplements, as there are many products of Acai that easily fade or poorly preserved, therefore, the concentration of healthy ingredients may have decreased. Warning.

Stay up to date with what's new in the Acai Berry research extensive studies continuously anticipates more identify properties and health benefits of this super berry, such as the accelerated weight loss, detoxification and anti-aging properties, colon cleaning, improvement of skin and incredible energy increases. For more information about how you can also enjoy the health benefits of Acai Berry effective products such as Acai Berry Breeze, visit, this instant!

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

The best and the worst thing about Acai Berry

The good news is that the doctors have found the largest ever antioxidant in Acai berries. If drinking a glass of red wine for dinner every day, you will receive an adequate amount of antioxidants per day. acai berry has thirty three times more than the daily dose of wine red wine antioxidant. Some doctors say that this acai berry is one of the most powerful foods in the world that can reduce the risk of premature ageing, lower levels of cholesterol, improve digestion, prevent colon cancer, improve memory, improve vision, strengthen the bones and joints, prevent arthritis and much more.

The bad news is that many want to charge this product of wonder that acai berry scams began to proliferate. Given that the product is so good, anyone claiming to have acai berry content in its product would sell quickly. That is why we have to be that it wary of any kind of berries Acai scam waiting for the next victim. How will you know if you targeted as the next victim of a scam of acai berry ? The Internet is the place to start Acai berries scams. Search the internet for acai berry , and there is this company offering one day 14 or 15-day free trial. Now that would be able to resist? Since its free and it will only pay for a minimum of the shipping and handling fee, I would say to himself, there is nothing to lose. Taking into account the popularity of acai berry, that I would not like to have this product for free. The next thing I know, you're hooked to a scam of acai berry ready to deploy. What would happen is that he would provide details of your credit card for the payment of the minimum rate.

This is the problem with acai berry scams, it seems so harmless. Now once they have enjoyed the 14 or 15-day trial, you have to have a hard time connecting with the company or cancel your order or continue with your order. If you do not cancel with them, the product gets delivered to you much once the free trial period and your credit card gets drained. The worst thing about Acai berries scam is that it is perfectly legal and not as it is you who let in the first place you can complain. Acai berries scams come in other forms. It has been able to for example, cancel your order after already the free trial period has expired. Only he would pay for a day, right?

However, the company will charge an exorbitant price for that period of a day. And this is especially true if you have not read the terms and conditions specified when you have the free trial version. And of course the most popular form of scam of Acai berries is that you get a poor quality product that has little of acai berry of component in. If the ingredients are not displayed even below, already is a 100% Acai Berry scam. On the other hand, if there are so many listed ingredients, then most likely, the content of acai berry is highly diluted if not minimal. Acai berries scams come in different forms and shapes and sizes and the best to avoid acai berry scam is to look at all the angles before entering a seemingly harmless agreement.

How to avoid falling victim to scams of Acai berries? Well, go and visit

The history of the Acai Berry

The acai (ah-sigh-ee) berry has been around for thousands of
years and not until the era of the 1990s introduced to the
Western world. The acai berry was found to possess
tremendous health properties. The acai berry used for the first time
by the tribes of the Amazon jungle as a cure for several
ailments. It believed that the people of the indigenous tribes
routinely use up to 2,000 of the fruits of rainforest known 3,000
for medicinal purposes.

The Amazon borders eight different countries and has the
The world's largest watershed. To supply not only the Amazon
one-fifth of the worlds's freshwater, has the greatest diversity
birds and freshwater fish. The Amazon is the largest
rainforest in the world where one-third of all animals and plants
species live. The acai berry is only one of these fruits that has
they have been discovered in this vast region. The Shuar tribes are one
of these Amazonian tribes that for centuries, through
tradition, maintains the use of medicinal plants (acai berry)

Shuar medicine men or women are called uwishin (oo - wee-)
(brightness ') a healer who works with medicinal plants, someone
Who knows all the secrets of the tropical forests. Uwishin, have a
much of the knowledge of medicinal plants and their cures,
learn from others and experiments of the
own plants. A plant eliminates the poison of serpents of the
body. It is the work of the uwishin to investigate and find
solutions for the disease.

The acai berry discovered that natural antioxidants
properties, as well as a driver of natural cholesterol.
When you eat helps to reduce the bad cholesterol in the blood
and increases good cholesterol. The tribes of the Amazon
I knew of these properties and found out that you helped to build
the immune system, fight infection, protect the heart, and
the prostate of control (viagra of nature). It was a great
power supply for the people of the tribes. The acai berry, which is a
as a result of Palm, traditionally pulped to make wine that was rich
in minerals. It was also found the acai berry fight against
schistosomosis, which is transmitted by snails. Schistosomosis
that it affects more than 10 million Brazilians. The aca¨ª is also
used to produce an antibiotic that helps to fight against
' Staphylococcus aureus,' a common infection contracted primarily
in the hospitals. Berry, so useful but known only to the
traditional tribes of men and women of Amazonia, a loss

The berry-like aca¨ª comes from a Palm tree which has a long, slender trunk
to 25 m tall with a group of branches in the upper part of
it hangs tape leaves. Berries ACA¨ª hang these
branches in groups as groups of bluebottles.
Traditionally the acai berries will be selected by hand and the
men of the tribe are screenshots is the tree and cut the branches
from the top of the rich in berries acai Palm tree. Now that the
Acai berry has been discovered as a highly sort after growing by
the population of Brazil is produced mass, which only has a
life expectancy of 24 hours of the properties of the juice
active. Acai berries must be loaded into baskets and
ships shortly after the gathering. To reach the markets of Belem
they had to carry the acai berries during the night.

Every acai Palm tree produces about 20 kg of fruit by
year and the wine produced by this fruit has become more
important product in terms of finance after timber forests
products. Belem in Brazil now employs more than 30,000 people in
a journal to keep up with their huge demand.

So we know where it comes, what about is recent
history? After entering the world Western is
carried out by the Brazilian surfer beach is modern as a
a natural way to recover energy. The acai berry is pulped and
frozen to keep it fresh and it became a natural additive to the
drunk shakes along the beaches of Brazil. He was known by
help the prostate and was seen as a natural viagra for the
children from the beach. He soon became a drink of fashion, for
the Brigade of sand and surf.

Investigations soon got the suspension of this magical acai berry and
were given account that would be of great importance to the well-being
and the health of the Western world, our diets are more often
with fat and fast food, acai is naturally full of energy,
a vibrant taste of berries with a touch of chocolate, is rich in
protein, fiber, vitamin E, minerals and Omega oils
reduce our bad cholesterol caused by our Western diet. The
proportion of fatty acids in Acai berries is similar to the olive oil is
It is believed that a contributing factor to the low incidence of heart
disease in Mediterranean populations. It contains the acai berry
similar properties as the red wine in the control of fats in the blood
and it is contributing just to go against diets wines of the
Mediterranean peoples.

Known as the miracle fruit, berries acai also helps to
Prevention of cancer due to its antioxidant properties that are
five times more powerful than the gingko biloba, a used
herbal therapy.

Juice ofAcai berry has been introduced in other products such as
bars and snacks of health to be sold in gyms and health spars.
Its history is important as by studying the effects of the
Berry has had in the tribe of the Amazon have
He discovered that it is used traditionally as a reinforcement of energy for
hunting and good libido has taken to acai berry juice to be a
very commercially viable product.

The more recent history is that it has been supported by such
Talk show hosts such as Oprah Winfrey and has been seen as a
role in his show, Berry successfully star. May as well say
Guranum goodbye and Hello to the acai berry.

Todd Levering is an advocate of organic food health and owner of several clubs of health around Seattle, WA. He is mainly known for promoting the benefits of the Acai berry for its natural antioxidant properties and powerful beverage Xocai, containing Acai. For more of Todd on this incredible new drink, visit:

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

The main benefits of taking Acai Berry

It seems that a new health product is being introduced on the market every day. Because of this, it might be a bit difficult to know which of them would really be good for you and your body. Although there are many supplements and products on the market that can do wonders for you, there are also a couple of products that really do nothing for your body. Here is a suggestion for you if you are looking for a supplement of good health: one of the best products of the health on the market would be those who have the acai berry.

Acai berries and its health properties have been discovered fairly recently, although it has already been used by the Brazilian Indians for many centuries to feed and for the treatment of various diseases. The acai berry can be found in various products sold in the market today such as juices, energy drinks, capsules and powder. Here are some of the main benefits of the acai berries offer.

1 Acai berries are a great energy booster.
For drinking acai juice or taking an acai supplements daily, can be sure that their energy levels would be at its highest level. The acai berry has a lot of phytonutrients that rejuvenates the body at the cellular level, giving greater power from within.

2. Acai berries can improve the quality of your sleep.
This is one of the best benefits you can get from taking a product acai berry . Already many people today lead a very busy and stressful, life is very important to sleep and rest. Regularly taking a supplement of acai berries or product, the quality of their sleep would improve significantly, allowing to have more strength and energy to go through your daily routine.

3 Acai berries can help you lose weight safely and permanent.
Although there are a lot of products for weight loss and supplements on the market today, the acai berry is still one of the best among them. Of course, the acai berry increases metabolic rate of the body, which speeds up the burning of fat stored in the body. This fruit is also rich in dietary fibre, promotes digestion proper, decreasing the amount of calories and fat stored.

4. Acai berries can promote healthy blood circulation.
Through higher circulation, avoiding cardiovascular problems such as diseases of the heart and stroke. It also diminishes the level of bad cholesterol in the body and reduces blood pressure.

5. The acai berry provides an excellent way to detoxify the body.
Acai berries are one of the fruits that have the highest content of antioxidants, through the regular intake of acai berry products, harmful toxins, wastes and free radicals are emptied, leaving him energized and feeling clean inside and out. It also makes everything young appearance.

These are only the main benefits of the acai berry. It offers more health benefits. If you want to start the feeling and looking better inside and out, then we should begin to take a supplement of acai or product of a healthy diet and take regular exercise.

Amazon acai berries have a lot of great benefits. Learn how acai berry supplements can be a great addition to your health plan.

The made from Acai Berry risks! What you need to know before taking Acai Berry for weight loss?

Those seeking weight loss supplements are closely watching Acai berries as a useful for weight loss route. There are a variety of reasons for this. Acai berries stimulate metabolism, reduce appetite and eliminate a number of impurities in the system. All of these factors can provide a tremendous weight loss benefits. However, it must be a number of concerns about the risks of Acai Berry. There have been many news these days about health supplements that are to be much less healthy that many assumed. So, are there any risks associated with Acai berries?

Some good news about the natural form of Acai berries: there are no established health risks associated with the product. In other words, this is because Acai berries are not a product. They are a fruit that grows in the Brazilian rainforest. However, there are processed versions of the Acai berry that are mixed in weight loss supplements. These supplements can come in the form of pills, juices or powders. And, of course, some brands are better than others. Some of these supplements are removed from their natural state and that it makes them a little less that is desirable as regards the risks associated with the product.

Exaggeration is nothing leads to a number of problems. With Acai berries, there will be a recommended daily dose should not be exceeded under any circumstances. This is true if you are taking the form of pill or supplement juice form. Some assume that having double the daily dose deliver twice the results, it's an inaccurate assessment. In reality, simply increasing the dose is less secure product can cause overstimulation.

Another problem that can occur when taking too many supplements Acai Berry is that you can exhaust your kidneys and liver. Sitting, natural Acai berries will not have a negative impact on the bodies in the same way, a synthetic product, but you want to keep your use of these products in a safe level.

It is also better to look at the ingredients of a special supplement in order to assess the risks of Acai Berry. Products that are natural will contain dried Acai berries that tend to be the best in eating. Some Acai products, however, are full of artificial, processed ingredients and problematic can be for the person who takes the supplement. Therefore, if they are concerned about the risks of Acai Berry and you want safe weight loss, continue with all natural ingredients-containing supplements.

In general, those seeking benefits of weight loss can take consolation in the fact that the natural forms of Acai berries are virtually risk-free. On the other hand, even the processed form of berries is not very problematic, unless you overdo it or takes a weak supplement form. Thus, you don't need to worry about the risks of Acai Berry always and when you have a decent brand supplements and correctly use the supplements.

Risks of Acai Berry can be exaggerated, but not the benefits of taking berries.

The challenge of Berry acai transforms ordinary men and women into extraordinary successes. Millions of people have begun to use acai berry to lose weight with proven results.

More information on acai berries benefits and address his goals of weight loss today by visiting for more information, so it can join millions of people in the challenge of acai berry.

Peter Skotnicky